澳门官方老葡京的暑期课程提供经验,使年轻人能够通过合作建立有意义的联系, friendship, 和社区通过各种日间服务. 营员们将在现实世界中培养创造性思维和解决问题的能力, 基于项目的学习充满了夏天的乐趣! 

为3至9岁的女孩和男孩提供一个有趣和学习的夏天. 夏令营提供半日和全日课程,以及夏令营前和夏令营后的护理!
Changemakers Lab是一个沉浸式的暑期项目,面向5-10年级的女生,让她们在跨学科的现实世界项目中进行合作.

2024 Summer Program Schedule

Coed Kid Camps
(Ages 3–9)
Changemakers Lab
(Girls entering grades 5–10)
Athletics Camps
(Ages vary per camp)
Week 1:
June 10–14
Trash to Treasure: Upcycling
Expression Across the Arts
Week 2:
June 17–21
Game On!
(No Camp June 19)
Week 3:
June 24–28
Super Sleuths Wildlife Conservation Explorers Soccer Camp
Week 4:
July 1–3
Slime Science Spectacular

Week 5:
July 8–12
Quirky Critters
Performance by Design
Basketball Camp
Week 6:
July 15–19
Time Traveling Tales
Week 7:
July 22–26
Funky Food Science
Engineer the Future: Robotics
Week 8:
July 29–August 2
Ellis Olympics
Unplugged Game Design

2024 Summer Programs

Fill out the form below to get started!
Interested in Athletics Camps?
Click below for more information!

2024 Policies and Procedures

List of 4 items.

  • Payment, Refund, and Cancellation Policies

    • 所有暑期课程的全部费用在注册时付清. 
    • After the first day of the camp program, no refunds will be given unless the camp is canceled by The Ellis School.
    • 在2024年5月13日之前,取消申请可以获得20%的退款. Cancellation requests made from May 14, 2024, 直到夏令营开始前两周,才有资格获得退款减去50%. 夏令营开始后两周内收到的取消申请将不予退款.
    • 所有2024年的夏令营都有最小和最大的报名人数. 因报名人数过少而取消, 澳门官方老葡京将提前通知注册家庭,并退还全部课程费用.
  • Absences and Changes in Schedule

    为妥善保存记录及确保营员及职员的安全,请电邮 summerprograms@adewiranata.com to notify us if your child will be absent. 由于生病或缺勤,包括可能的COVID-19暴露,没有积分或退款.
  • Illness and Communicable Disease Protocols

    At The Ellis School, 营员和暑期项目工作人员的健康和安全是我们的首要任务. 确保参加我们暑期项目的每个人的安全, 所有项目都将遵循澳门新葡新京官方的健康方案.
  • If Camp is Canceled

    If Camp Is Canceled After It Has Begun:
    If a program has begun and is in progress (i.e. mid-week) but must be canceled, 所有注册的家庭将收到按比例退款,我们不能在校园运作的日子.

    If Camp Is Canceled Before It Begins:
    If a program is canceled prior to its start, 所有注册该项目的家庭将获得全额退款. 

List of 4 items.

  • Camper Behavior Policies

    • Hitting, shoving, pushing, or physical violence
    • Verbal abuse, offensive language, or bullying
    • Lying or manipulating the truth
    • Stealing or taking things without asking
    • Destroying property
    • 拥有、使用或分发毒品或酒精的
    • Bringing weapons of any kind to camp
    • Ignoring counselor or staff directions
    In extreme cases, to ensure the safety of the camp community, 夏令营主任保留开除营员的权利. In this situation, refunds will not be provided.
  • Parent/Guardian Policies

    请尊重我们辛勤工作的员工,准时接送. Regular camp arrival time is from 8:15–9:00 a.m. Regular dismissal time is from 12:00–12:15 p.m. for half-day camp sessions and 3:00–3:15 p.m. 全日营(设计表演除外), which will dismiss from 4:00–4:15 p.m.). 参加者于上午8:15前不接受入场.m.
    For the safety of all children, 家长及监护人不得在夏令营期间探访营员. 如果出现紧急情况,您必须联系您的孩子,请发送电子邮件至 summerprograms@adewiranata.com 或者拨打412-661-5992,我们可以立即为您提供帮助.
  • Health and Medication Policies

    所有营员需填写《澳门官方老葡京》, 可以在澳门新葡新京官方夏令营的网上填写吗 Registration Form此表格询问基本的健康和安全问题,并允许准确和最新的露营者紧急情况和健康信息报告.


    有一名经过FA/CPR/AED认证的工作人员随时在场. 除了自我管理的肾上腺素和吸入器,工作人员在营地期间不得分发药物. If medication must be taken during camp, 必须安排一名成年人前来分发药物. For the well-being of all children, 请不要在夏令营期间让露营者停止服用药物.

    当孩子生病时,让他们呆在家里,如果他们在营地生病了,就去接他们. Campers must be 24 hours fever-free without fever-reducing medication 才能返回营地(低于华氏100度).
  • Arrival and Dismissal Policies

    8点15分之前,营员不得入内.m. 家长或监护人应步行到正门,但不得进入校园或任何学校建筑物内. 学前护理是免费的,所有年龄的露营者每天都可以使用! 

    All half-day camps end at 12:00 p.m. and all full-day camps end at 3:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted. 幼童的家长/监护人应到正门接他们的孩子。. 家庭可以在网上夏令营期间预先注册并支付护理费用 registration should they need extended care. 3-9岁露营者的课后护理时间为每天下午3:15至5:45.m. 

    如果您预计会迟到或需要提前下课,请发电子邮件 summerprograms@theellisschool.org to notify camp staff.

Contact Us

Please email summerprograms@adewiranata.com—we're happy to help!